Rooted in Grace actually began in seed form as a podcast called Melody, Mystery & Mayhem.

Back in 2015, the band members were 10, 8, 6, and 2 — just a little young for the musical chops to carry a full on-stage performance — so a podcast was born, created, written, and produced by Allison (mostly happening in the glamorous location of the bedroom closet).

But the vision was always to ultimately create a live, in-person show for the whole family to enjoy. Something substantial enough for toddlers to adults, without all the insulting, base, or cheesy humor that tends to characterize much of what is entitled “family friendly.” We wanted substance mixed with delight — things to provoke laughter and joy, teary eyes and moved hearts. Offering up wit rather than sarcasm and a vision propelling family life forward rather than into separate ditches.

God has been faithful in the intervening years, continuing to nurture the vision and bringing the right teachers at the right time.

The original podcast links are below, so you can see (or listen, actually) where this all started.