Our debut EP is here!

We created 2 videos to give you all the details on where to stream and where to buy physical CD’s or digital downloads of our self-titled EP!

We can’t wait to share this music with you!

Exciting News!

In the summer of 2022, Rooted in Grace co-wrote 5 songs with some of Nashville’s top songwriters. A few months later, the band headed to Music Row and began recording these songs. The producer of this inaugural album? None other than Kent Wells, Grammy-nominated producer, music industry veteran, and music manager for the iconic Dolly Parton. The end result has far exceeded our expectations, and we can’t wait to share this music with the world!

Recording for the first time

Every meeting so far with Kent Wells Productions has been so encouraging and inspiring! Working with an industry veteran of his caliber who also happens to be a kind and Godly man is a such a gift - especially to a band that is so green we could be mistaken for a golf course. Kent has worked in the production business for decades, and his insight and expertise in the craft of making magical music are invaluable. We are thrilled to both experience this process as well as ultimately share this music with the world.

  • First step: roadmapping every song

    Our first day in the studio found us excited - and highly nervous! With the our minivan stuffed to bursting with every instrument under the sun (minus the harp), books and crafts for the 1 1/2 hour drive, and a mother’s-intuition-size load of coffee and snacks, we marched semi-confidently into the studio…

    The meeting couldn’t have gone better. Mr. Kent Wells listened to our arrangements and charted each song for the rhythm section. Now, on to recording!

  • Second step: recording the rhythm section we desperately need!

    We are thrilled to be given the opportunity to have all our own instruments recorded. However, there are instuments we don’t play (i.e. drums & bass: i.e. what makes a band sound awesome). So we came again to the studio to lay down a rough vocal track and watch the pros seemlessly lay down tracks to a song they’d heard 5 minutes before! Steve Mackey, bass player, and Steve Brewster, drummer & procussionist, were true blessings in every way!

  • Third step: official photo shoot ♥️

    All of us (minus Willaim) were daydreaming about this next step for weeks in advance. After all, how many times a year does everyone (minus William) get to choose several new dresses from all our favorite websites?

    However, if some of us walked into the appointment with doubts, ALL qualms were banished within 5 minutes of the shoot! Adrian David Paine and his wife were so fantastic to work with; even when the camera wasn’t on, we couldn’t stop smiling. William too:)

  • Fourth step: piano & guitar

    In just a few hours we laid down ALL the piano and electric guitar! We also got the chance to “throw in” some other really fun colors and instruments as well - courtesy of the studio life:)

  • Fifth Step: finishing the instruments

    Mandolin, violin, acoustic guitar…what a blast!

    Recording the “decorative” instruments brought us one step closer to the moment we’re all waiting for…

  • Sixth Step: vocals at last!

    There are many ways to describe music that is excruciatingly out of tune, but there is nothing that can adequately express the sheer ecstasy of perfect harmony!

    Our time recording vocals was the most exciting, lengthy, joyous, challenging, fun, precise, and wonderful experiences so far. Thank you, Kent Wells Productions!

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